Starting in 1852, Pembina provided regular mail service to not only Pembina residents, but also to the Red River Settlement |
FOR SALE: Canada, 1859, Prince Albert, 10¢ red lilac (Unitrade 17), used with 5¢ vermilion (15), both tied by concentric-ring cancels on 1862 cover with "W. Couper, Naturalist" sender's label and addressed to "Mr. Mactavish Esq., F.B.S.C., Chief Factor, Governor of Assiniboia, Secretary of Institute of Rupert's Land,
Red River Settlement, Northwest", light strike of "Quebec L.C., AP 11" origin c.d.s., reverse with Montreal (4.15) c.d.s.; the cover has a few tears at top around, but not affecting stamps, and at bottom, crossing through origin c.d.s, nevertheless Fine;. A Fine and rare use at the 10¢ rate to Red River Settlement overpaid by 5¢, with the 2½¢ service fee from
Pembina to be paid on delivery. Scott 17. Estimate 3,000 - 4,000. Provenance: de Volpi, Robertson.
SOLD for $2,200.00
Canada Beaver Stamps used from
Red River Settlement via
Pembina and the U.S. Mails] buff cover to Ottawa with two singles Canada 1852 3d Red (#4), both with large margins all around, tied by light strike of "Pembina, Min/Apr 27" (1862) datestamp, with bold strike of postmark repeated at right, blue arced "U. States/10" exchange office handstamp, Prescott transit and "City of Ottawa, U.C./My 19, 1862" arrival backstamps, then forwarded to Almonte with straightline "Forwarded" handstamp and Franktown and Almonte backstamps, extremely fine and handsome; one of only two recorded covers franked by the Canadian 3d "Beaver" stamp on mail originating from the Red River Settlement, a very evocative association cover with the beaver stamp being used from a beaver trapping center; ex-Jarrett, Dr. Chan, Nickle and K.L. Estimate $10,000-15,000.
SOLD for $20,000