A few examples of local WWI veterans; I will be sharing more in the near future...

When I was growing up, I knew Eli Gooselaw as a tall, quiet old man who lived across the pasture from our house, north of the St. Vincent Cemetery. His house was a 2-storey wood clapboard, the paint long ago weathered off.
Outside nearby, he had a tall wood pile, stacked up in the form of a tipi. From what I could tell, he never used the wood, nor burned it. It just stood like a sentinel over the years.
The house had old-fashioned tall, sashed windows, that reflected full-moon moonlight so brightly that you swore Eli (who never used electric lights) had lights on - especially his upstairs' north bedroom.
But back in 1917, Eli "...enlisted in the Army at East Grand Forks ... because they were drafting men. This was the time of World War I, and most of his two years of service were spent in China. Eli was one of the few people who could say he'd been to the big cities of China - Tientsen, Shanghai, and Chin-huang-taoo, along with Tokyo, Japan, the Philippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands."

Fred Gooselaw was born and raised in St. Vincent. He was the son of Zeb and Joset (Parenteau) Gooselaw.
He became a barber and ran his own barbershop in St. Vincent, then Humboldt prior to WWI. In October 1918 he was shipped off to France as an Engineer Sapper, as part of the October Automatic Replacement Draft.1
After the war, he carried on being a barber, and eventually moved to Montana, continuing his profession there.
He named his firstborn son, Pershing, born in August 1918, in honor of General Pershing.
James Lang was born in rural Kittson County, Minnesota. He was the second son of Joseph and Margaret Lang, and farmed with his father.
He then went to fight in the First World War. After returning, he resumed farming until 1955; then he retired. He moved to Humboldt and never married.

Born in Ontario, Canada of German immigrant parents, Christopher A. Thedorf, Jr. came to St. Vincent as a small child. The Thedorf family lived in the middle of the town, by the house that would eventually be my grandparents' second home after they moved out, when my parents took over the homestead. Chris' father, Mr. Thedorf, was the proprietor of the Thedore Hotel in St. Vincent.
According to the 1910 U.S. Census, Chris was working then as a bartender in a St.Vincent saloon. As the article to the left states, in July 1917 he volunteered into the military, choosing the Marine Corps. The United States had declared war in April 1917 but didn't send forces (under General Pershing) until 1918, so Chris was an early participant in the war.
After the war, he married, moved to St. Paul, MN, and began working for the railroad as both a locomotive engineer, and fireman...
Hugh Lucas was a compositor and printer for the Emerson International newspaper in the late 1800s and worked there with J.E. Bouvette. He was also a carpenter and built his first home in St. Vincent with his own hands, or so the story goes.
Why Hugh felt it was important to volunteer in WWI when he was beyond the normal age is not known, but as you can read at left, he was well thought of by his fellow soldiers. He was a veteran when he went into the service again, having been in the cavalry in the late 1800s.
The article to the left states that he went into the Remount Corps upon enlistment, which was part of the Quartermasters Corps.
1 - October Automatic Replacement Draft: It means that a man was scheduled to be a replacement for a battle casualty right from the start. Usually the army waited to see what a man could do or where he was actually needed before assigning him a specific job. By October of 1918 the casualty rate was climbing and they were sending men over at an incredible rate. New draftees were barely receiving any training at all before shipping out. To fill the gaps caused by casualties, they started assigning men to be rifle men just as soon as a block of them were called up (or in this case, an engineer sapper...) The program was initiated in October. Had the war gone on longer, as many thought it would, there would have been many more 'replacement drafts'.
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