A former student of Miss Moore shared with me:
I had Eliza Moore. She had white hair in a bun. Was always crabby and looked like a wicked old witch. Which she was. She humiliated her students to tears every day. She was a cruel teacher. And in my opinion, should never have been a teacher.Harsh and damning words...What else do we know about Miss (Eliza) Moore?
From the historical essays comes this information:
Moore, ElizaI have a feeling some of her students would not have minded her missing some days of school!
B: 01 Jan 1882
D: 13 Dec 1971
Eliza and her sister, Mary (both spinsters), lived in St. Vincent, MN for many years. They both taught school in the area. Mary became the housekeeper for Eliza in the later years. Both ladies were involved in their church in a very vital way.
Eliza made a special record for herself in having the distinction of having taught in the public schools for 54 years without ever having a substitute teacher.
She began her teaching career at age 15 with a teacher's certificate earned by writing the teacher's examination. Later she completed the necessary courses and was graduated from Moorhead Teachers College.
She taught in Minnesota for 53 years, seventeen of them were in what was called District 352. She taught 10 years at Joe River and 7 in St. Vincent. She also taught upper grades in Northcote and, in addition, she taught one term in the Dominion of Canada.
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ReplyDeleteA fascinating subject - and you are right, the effects of having had a bad teacher can last a lifetime.