Recently I wrote about area vaudeville and the silo circuit. Since then, I came across the image above showing a travelling, itinerant performer, setting up shop right in the street in Hallock.
The image is from the Hallock centennial book...
BTW even tho grandma had a maternity home she did have other patients as well. Whenever the Emerson hospital got full Grandma would get some of the overflow. She was taking care of an elderly couple one time that I served meals to when we were there and one time she had a lady that had snow blindness and eyes were swollen shut so she couldn't see so grandma had me sit with her to help her get her food on the fork. So although basically a maternity home it wasn't all for maternity.The little towns in the St. Vincent area were lucky to have her at that time; more than one would come up years later when I was a little girl and tell my mother how much they had appreciated Grandma's care...
St. Vincent
December 9, 1883
Dear Maggy I received your letter last week and I am sorry to hear that you are not so well I think if you had a change away from there you would get better its very wrong for you to be fretting all the time and if your mother knew it she would not rest so you ought to try and go out more and it would take your mind off thinking so much if all is well coming spring I will send money to take you here to see us it would do you good you could stay for a month or too and I would send you back I would not want you away from your father We are all well but my self I have a pain in my side all the time I have not done any work all summer worth speaking of but I am in hopes of getting better the wether is nice there is hardly any snow we got our deed for the land all right we were Just in time for the government enspectoers was around seeing what improvements people had made and there is some wount get there deeds it cost us about four hundred and fifty dollers for by what we gave the man that had it first land is getting so scarse we thought it a pity to loose it it is such a good place and worth a lot of money we entend it for Alick paying for it has left us a little bare Just now but we are not in debt all that troubles me that I cant help my father if I had it in my power you nor him would never have to weave another peice for one in thorah try and keep up your heart for your troubles is worse on me than my own thinking about yours if Joseph would send my father what he owes him it would fit him better than going pleasure hunting but he never did care for any one but himself We have seven cows to salve in the spring we have 8 to years old and seven one year olds and a teem of mules and a teem of coalts and pigs So they make lots of work they eat a lot of hay through the winter there is nothing very particlur here at present they are going to have a Christmas tree in the shool house for the children They think they will have a good time the children would like to have you here with them they all join in sending their kind love to you and their grandfather so good by for the present Write soon
Mary Ann Gamble