They have recently put up a website with the beginnings of information for upcoming celebrations in 2007, including an all-school reunion for Humboldt-St. Vincent classes.
I encourage everyone to make plans to attend, and hope to see you there!
I told him who I was, and why I called, and all he said was, "Yes I do remember that.My Mom used to mention (and Delphine reminded me of this just today) about how my sister Sharon was so upset by all that happened that year, that she lost her hair; although she was only 6 years old, it caused her hair to come out in clumps, and she even lost her eyelashes and eyebrows.My brother and I are the ones who dove in to find them. Lena went to the farm and couldn't find them anywhere so she came and asked us to go help look for them. We went to the farm and looked around and then we discovered John's hat floating in the dugout. The girls clothes were all neatly folded and laying on the bank as if they planned to stay there for a while. The banks were real muddy and slick. We dove into the dugout and found all 3 of them laying at the bottom."
Delphine went on to comment that she had always heard that there was like a heal mark in the mud that slid down looking like one of the girls had slipped and fell in and perhaps the other jumped in to help her. She mentioned this to Mr. Webster but he didn't confirm this to be true.
She also said, "I had always heard that uncle John's face was grimaced and he was sort of curled up looking like when he hit the water he had a bad cramp. And people wondered why he drowned as he was a good swimmer so I asked Mr. Webster."Delphine: I understand Uncle John was grimaced and curled up like he had a cramp when he hit the water.My cousin ended by saying "...there was a lot of speculation that John had taken the girls and himself and committed suicide because he just would not accept the death of Elaine.
Mr. Webster: No he was just laying there at the bottom of the dugout. I sure didn't sleep that night.
Delphine: That must have been awful traumatic for you; I never realized it was you who had to bring them out.
Mr. Webster: Yes, it was a very bad day.It was known that he used to even go out and sleep on her grave because he didn't want her alone out there in the dark. But it is a mystery that no one will ever know anything about because they only had tell tale signs to go by. It was also told that Uncle John was evidently in the quanset hut shovelling grain while the girls were playing by the dugout and when he heard them scream it looked like he had thrown the shovel aside and ran out to save them but being all hot and sweaty from shovelling grain he got a cramp when he hit the water and that was why they all drowned. Nothing much else to tell or find out about it as it was all speculation as to what and why it happened."
Yes, everyone from back home, a hearty thank you for all the assistance in finding Lena. She has led quite a life, a full, long life with its ups and downs, and truly an inspiration to many...I just called her and talked to her. She is still living alone at age 92. She said though that she just got out of the hospital as she had gout so bad she couldn't walk. Was in for 4 days. She was still in bed as very weak after the hospital stay but was going to try to get up and make herself a cup of coffee. I am not real sure if she remembered me or not as I told her it was Delphine but she didn't make any comment about that. No surprise or anything that it was me calling so I am not sure. I asked "This is Lena Nordstrom isn't it?" She said yes. I told her my Mom was still living also and was 94. She didn't say much about that either. But she was maybe still groggy from sleep and having been in the hospital. When I told her Mom was in a nursing home she said she thought maybe she would have to go into one too as it was too hard to do all the work she had to do now...When we said goodbye she told me to call her again. will wait for a week or so and hopefully she will be more recuperated and can talk better. Thank you Thank you all for having been so helpful in trying to find her. Now I can tell my Mom, too, that I talked to Lena.
In a two year span Lena lost first her Dad, then the daughter [by drunk driver], then her Mom died, then the other two girls and her husband then her brother who was a night watchman was murdered...he didn't come home one morning and upon investigation they found him laying in a ditch murdered. Later, she married Harold who had a 9 yr. old son named John and when he was 21 he committed suicide.Lena's full name is Lena Rose Paul Fitzpatrick Nordstrom; Rose is her middle name, Paul is her maiden name, Fitzpatrick was her first marriage surname, and Nordstrom was her second marriage surname. If you know how to contact Lena, please let me know...
It was a terrible time. I can still see those white coffins. When Elaine was killed by that hit-and-run driver, Aunt Lena and Uncle John insisted on having the open coffin with Elaine in their living room for viewing. You had to go through the living room to get upstairs to the bedrooms. I can still see that beautiful girl laying there in that white coffin. There were roses filling the area and for years and years I could not stand roses and still have trouble today as every time I smell a rose I see Elaine laying there.
Then just 4 months later back for a triple funeral. Lena was Catholic but Uncle John wasn't so we had to go to his funeral at one church then go to the Catholic church after for Marlene and Alice. Lena was in the hospital from shock after the drownings and had been released just for the funerals. We were getting ready to go but Lena went into convulsions from all the pain and hurt and I believe had to go back into the hospital. I am not sure that she could even go to the funerals. I am not sure about that though but it seems she went right back into the hospital and didn't go to the funerals.
Many years later after having met and married Harold Nordstrom she got ill and went to the doctor for a check up. After a few tests the doctor asked her if she had suffered a great tragedy in her life so she told him of the past and he said he thought so as the muscles around her heart were like stone they were so hard.
She had one tragic life.
St. Vincent Minn
October 15, 1894
Dear Aunt Maggie,
I am going to now try and answer your last letter. The reason I did not answer sooner was because we have been so busy. The work has been very hard this last while we were preparing for the fall show, we took considerable prizes. I will send you the prize list next time I write. Jennie has a little girl, she is about three weeks old. I think, I forget the date, but will try to get the paper and send it to you, she is going to call her Mary Alice, Mary for short. She is as fair as she could possibly be. I think she will be very pretty. Lizzies baby is as pretty as a picture and so sweet, she has never been known to cry yet with bad temper. I think her father thinks the most of her, of any person I ever saw, neither babies will have red hair.
Ellen is still teaching school, Sammie has not started to school yet. I always forget to mention Willie when I write, he is much bigger and stronger than Aleck now, and if ever there was a good boy lived Willie, is one, but as "Comical". Sammie is a dear little boy too. I always miss they two more than any of the rest. I am about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches tall and still growng but the growth is all upwards for I am very thin. A person said Ellen and I were the two slimest girls they ever seen please excuse this terrible letter. I think I will stop now hoping this will find you and Grandpa well I remain your loving niece
Alice Gamble
It is 10 oclock and I am up all alone, and am gettng tired, write soon. Good by I am going to dress Lizzies old Doll for her little girl I suppose you remember it we have the same head but it has had different bodies. Good by
Shortly after noon a messenger arrived from regimental headquarters with orders for me to report to the 9 Station Hospital in Pieta, to be evacuated to the States. The month before I had had a bout of heart trouble after five days and nights without sleep, while we made repeated forced marches. I had been hospitalized for two weeks. I'd been released back to my unit temporarily as wounded Marines from Guadalcanal began to overcrowd the hospital. I was determined to fight with the unit so I consulted John. "I'm going to the Canal with you!" "Charley, you've got to go to the hospital. If I allow you to come with us, I'll qualify for a court-martial." He mused for several moments then began to smile. "We're to load on the McCawley, but there's another ship going to the Canal, the Zeilin. I'll lend you a jeep tonight, and if you can get on that ship, good luck! Heck! I can say I don't know where you went!"