St. Vincent, MinnesotaDecember 17, 1893My Dear Maggie

I will now try to answer your welcome letter which I received some time ago I sent you a paper containing my Marriage notice about a month ago. But you cant have got it or you would have mentioned it. I was married on the 19th of October. I am living in St. Vincent now we have a nice house with three big rooms down stairs and three up stairs, it is quite different from living on the farm. We are having very cold weather now and have had it cold for a long time back. I would have written long ago but we had our photos taken six weeks ago and I was waiting to send you one. And I thought I had better not wait nay longer. As there was not any word of them coming. But I will send you one as soon as they come
We had a grand dance here last week
There is a younge man dying of consumption and is quite poor so the dance was got up for his benifit. We made over twenty six dollars at it. Ellen is teaching school out at Jadis again she will be home on Christmas. Samie is attending school. Alice does not go there is to much for her to do at home. Willie does most of the work out there now he built a nice big barn this fall he is quite a good carpenter and built it all alone. He has eleven head of horses to klook after and has to haul hay and wood. How is the weather down ther? is it cold? How is Grandpa keeping, I hope the cold weather coming on will not make him worse. There is nothing going on around here at all and I have not any more news to tell you. As soon as we get the photos I will send you one. I will close with wishing you both a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and ask you to writer sooner than I did with kind Love from all to you both, I remain
Your affectionate friend
Jennie [Gamble] Griffith
St. Vincent
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