Washington Post (1877-1954)
Freezing to Death Out West (ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 25, 1879) -- At Pembina at 7 o'clock yesterday morning the mercury was fifty-eight degrees below. Last night was the coldest for sixteen years. A car-load of horses and household goods came in from Winnipeg yesterday and were transferred to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul track, when it was discovered the horses were freezing.
June 14, 1893 - An Indian outbreak at Fort Pembina, N. D., is threatened. A telegram received at the War Department yesterday afternoon from Gen. Merritt states that the accidental killing of an Indian by the Indian agent at this reservation has greatly excited the rest of the tribe, and as a precautionary measure against an outbreak he recommended that additional troops be sent to the reservation.
Alleged Basis of Kidnapping Charge Against American Officer (St. Paul, Minn., Mar. 13, 1908) -- George Foulkes, the American under indictment and bail for kidnapping, at Winnipeg, Canada, is a customs inspector of the frontier at Pembina, N. Dak., and according to the information at hand in the United States district attorney's office here, he had received information that Canadian farmers were in the habit of smuggling grain across the border into North Dakota.
Lakota Herald news briefs published between Dec 1, 1899 and Aug 10 1906
December 1899
A dividend of 20 per cent will be paid the depositors of the First National bank in Pembina.
The ice harvest in the northern part of the state has begun. Up in Pembina County the ice averages over a foot thick and grades A1.
The postoffice at Pembina has been assigned to the presidential class, to take effect January 4. Salary of postmaster increased to $1,000.
Hallock is having a diphtheria epidemic.
March 30, 1900
Fred Hoisington, general appraiser of abandoned military reservations has been at old Fort Pembina this week, and will tackle Fort Buford next.
April 13, 1900
Little Tommy Shoemaker of Pembina was left in charge of his three-year-old brother the other day while his mother went shopping. Tommy became interested in a book, and the baby went on an exploring expedition. He found a match and a pretty pink candle, but the neighbors put out the fire before much damage was done.
Hansboro News (Towner County, ND)
November 14, 1919
Pembina - Petitions are being circulated here for the erection of a steel bridge over the Red River between this city and St. Vincent.
July 21, 1911
The County Seat Has Been at Pembina Many Years
Bismarck, North Dakota - July 20.
This afternoon the supreme court handed down its decision in the famous Pembina County seat case awarding the county seat to Cavalier. The county seat has been a Pembina for many years and the change was made by a popular vote at the last election. The result of the election was contested and carried to the courts.
November 30, 1917
Canadian recruiting officers are touring North Dakota to enlist British subjects, resident in the United States. In Walsh County there are 46 British subjects of draft age and in Pembina County there are 83 British subjects.
July 30, 1920
Pembina - Officials who have been looking for the strange man who assaulted Jay Kneeshaw with a knife because he failed to comply with his demands to give him money, have given up hopes of finding him and are under the impression that he has escaped into Canada.
Hansboro Pioneer Newspaper
April 18, 1907
Peter Hogan of Pembina attempted to cross the Red River. He was fished out by some friends.
Pembina in enjoying high water.
The people of Pembina are proud of the band, which is said to be a crack musical organization.