Situated on the west bank of the
Red River, and on the boundary line between the U.S. and Canada, is one of the most thriving places in Manitoba. In 1879 it consisted merely of the
Hudson's Bay Co.'s trading post and population of only four person. In August 1881, with a population of 730, p---ing 340 votes, it showed what two years of cultivation of the wonderfully fertile country tributary to it and the enterprise of its business men have accomplished.
The Hudson's Bay Co. have here a fine steam grist mill and a large general store. The mill cost $25,000 and has a capacity of 49 bushels of wheat per day. There are 7 stores, one of which carries a stock of $199,000; 7 good hotels, 4 agricultural warehouses, 2 lumber yards, blacksmith, waggon and other shops, customs house, and a weekly newspaper, "The Southern Manitoba Times," one of the most enterprising and ------- in Manitoba. It is the depot of supplies for the already well settled country to the west of it to the Turtle Mountains, a distance of 150 miles, and has a large trade from the Mennonite settlements which extend west about 25 miles, having a population of 4,083. In the winter of 80-81 [1880-1881], over 250,000 bushels of wheat and 50,000 bushels of flax were marketed here, and a large increase will occur this season. A large flax warehouse was built here this season, and a large quantity of seed furnished farmers, and their prospective crops contracted for. The position that West Lynne occupies, as the depot of supplies for a vast agricultural country, together with the energy and harmony with which its business men work for its advance, will make it at no distant day one of the leading cities of the Province.
From the Manitoba Historical Society
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