The last time we saw Daniel F. Brawley, he was conducting some rather underhanded business tactics against another resident named Nathan Myrick, over the Pembina/St. Vincent Ferry.
Below is a sort of time-line of Brawley's history in Minnesota. It was created by Vince Godon on his fascinating website, Historical Minnesota Bricks. Vince is the son of Maurice Godon, a former resident of St. Vincent, who was featured in St. Vincent Memories in 2009.
Below, you'll read how he lived during changing times in Minnesota, as businessman, legislator, etc. In the end, he died by his own hand, in St. Vincent, and is buried in the St. Vincent Cemetery...
“We called on friend BRAWLEY the other day, at his brick yard. He is now in a most successful state of operations. He employs two mills, ten men, and has now on hand some 400,000 brick. The quality is better than can be shown north of Saint Louis. If we are really going to build a city we must use brick.” – [Pioneer, Aug. 30.] This was the first kiln of brick ever burned in Minnesota. The yard was near the present residence of D. W. Ingersoll. E. D. Neill had a dwelling built from this kiln, and the Market Street Methodist Episcopal church was also built from it.
Daniel F. Brawley was granted a charter to run a ferry for ten years, from the upper levee to West Saint Paul. (This ferry ran until the completion of the bridge, 1858) (A History of the City of Saint Paul, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, J. Fletcher Williams, Published by the Society, Saint Paul, 1876)
In 1850 St. Paul was beginning to spread along both sides of the river, and regular ferry service was demanded. This was supplied in the spring of that year by James M. and Isaac N. Goodhue, and two years later D. F. Brawley established another, and the two ferry lines were operated as successful business enterprises until growth demanded a bridge, which was completed in 1858. (The Saint Paul Daily Globe Golden Jubilee Edition, Sunday Morning, July 3, 1904, Page 68)
Commissioners to supervise the erection of the capitol were elected April 17, 1851. D. F. Brawley and Louis Robert represented Ramsey county, E. A. Hatch, Benton county, and J. McKusick, Washington county. (The Saint Paul Daily Globe Golden Jubilee Edition, Sunday Morning, July 3, 1904, Page 56)
D. F. Brawley, Pembina, 1870 (Early History of North Dakota, Essential Outlines of American History, Clement A Lounsberry, Liberty Press, Washington, D. C., 1919, Page 361)
A disagreement over a contract to supply a certain amount of wood to Fort Pembina, Dakota Territory, led to a lawsuit that ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States. The case was called Brawley v. United States, 96 U. S. 168 (1877).
By Mr. McCrea – Amending the act granting ferry privileges to D. F. Brawley at St. Vincent. (The Saint Paul Daily Globe, Saturday Morning, January 26, 1878, Volume I, Number 12, Page 2)
The (Old Settlers) association again met at Grand Forks, December 8, 1880, D. F. Brawley was elected president… (Early History of North Dakota, Essential Outlines of American History, Clement A Lounsberry, Liberty Press, Washington, D. C., 1919, Page 356)
Business Directory. Brawley D F, brickmaker. (Minnesota State Gazetteer and Business Directory Including Dakota Territory, 1880-81, Volume II, R. L. Polk & Co. and A. C. Danser, St. Paul and Detroit)
Postmaster of St. Vincent, Minnesota1…D. F. Brawley 1881 (Official Register of the United States, Containing a List of Officers and Employees in the Civil, Military, and Naval Service on the First of July, 1881, Volume II, The Post-Office Department and the Postal Service, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1881, Page 465)
D. F. Brawley also got into a court case with Mr. Myrick over ferry operations at Pembina/St. Vincent. The verdict of the case stated: “But where the legislature grants a ferry franchise, and in the same act imposes on the grantee certain duties, and reserves the power to repeal the act in case the grantee fails to perform those duties, it may, in case he does so fail, repeal the act without a previous judicial determination that he had so failed. Whether he had failed so that the repeal was effectual is a question for the courts.” (Myrick v. Brawley, 33 Minn. 377, 23 N. W. 549)
Suicide at St. Vincent. St. Vincent, July 9. – The citizens of St. Vincent were much shocked this afternoon on learning that Hon. D. F. Brawley had attempted suicide by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. He called at the postoffice in the morning as usual for his mail, and expressed much surprise at not having received a letter. It appears that he wrote his son, who is in St. Paul for money, and not having received it, grew despondent and attempted his life. He had been here about ten or twelve years, and was postmaster six years ago. Before coming here he was a resident of St. Paul and a member of the legislature. Before shooting he wrote several letters to different parties, saying want of money had led him to bid his best friend good bye. At this writing he is not dead, but unconscious. The ball entered the head over the right temple. He cannot recover. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Thursday Evening, July 9, 1885, Volume 7, Number 210, Page 4)
DIED. Brawley – At St. Vincent, Minn., July 7, (1885) D. F. Brawley, aged 68. Remains will be buried at St. Vincent. Plattville, Wis., paper please copy. (The Saint Paul Daily Globe, Thursday Morning, July 9, 1885, Volume VII, Number 190, Page 2)
D. F. Brawley, a prominent citizen and formerly postmaster at St. Vincent, Minn., attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. He had written his son in St. Paul for money and not receiving it shot himself. His injuries were fatal though he may live some days. (Western Appeal, St. Paul, Minnesota, Saturday, July 11, 1885, Volume I, Number 6, Page 2)
1 - St. Vincent's post office opened on September 23, 1878, and Daniel Brawley was its first postmaster.
Keep up the Good work ! many people will over time say Thanks for the work you are doing ! Dad did some of the same kind of work in MB.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the Good work ! Dad did the same kind of work in MB. JR
ReplyDeleteThe story about Mr. Brawley pulled at my heart. We forget how disappointment can get some people down. We call it depression these days. There was nowhere to go in those days and even now days for some. Thanks Trish
ReplyDeleteTrish --- I noticed your reference here to the Minnesota Historical Bricks website, and going there, have identified the VANCE bricks (with the backward N) I recovered from the home once attached to the back of the old Cyr Hardware in Oklee, MN. Some of the brick now decorate the fire-board under our wood-burning stove in our living-room. Thanks for the interesting source of unusual information. (The brickyard was in Crookston, MN)