1880 Federal Census of St. Vincent, Minnesota
Just before the influx of new settlers
Who was here? Below is a snapshot of the 320 souls counted that census, the one just before the major influx of settlers hit the town...
NOTE: Names highlighted are 'heads of household' and those listed under are part of the same household (not necessarily showing all in each household...)
Stephen Flynn, a merchant and his partner William O'Keefe, both from Ireland; living in the same household, perhaps William's younger brother, was John O'Keefe, occupation listed as "Clerk"
James Kirk, River Pilot from Ireland
Elizabeth David, Servant in the Kirk household
William Jones, a butcher from Germany
Seneca Thompson, brick mason from Ontario, Canada (a relative of mine via marriage into Fitzpatrick family), part of the Jones household, possibly boarding with them...
John Harrington, another brick mason, from Ireland
Charles La Page, bar tender from Canada
Patrick Lenahan, tailor from Ireland
James White, brakeman from England
John Walter, cook from Ireland
Remi Desautel, hotel keeper from Canada
Oscar Lyke, engineer from New York
William Adams, saloon keeper from Canada
Andrew Stewart, laborer from Canada
James Gorden, clerk from Ireland
William Kirk, baggage master from Canada
James Morrison, railroad clerk from Minnesota
William Gooding, telegraph operator from New York
Frank McLaughlin, clerk from Ireland
Ed J. Houde, barber from Minnesota
Thomas Hickey, railroad clerk from Canada
David Shannon, laborer from Canada
George Raywood, brewer from England
John Devine, laborer from Ireland
William Milligan, surgeon from Canada
Thomas Dunbar, blacksmith from Canada
John O'Connor, hotel owner from Ireland
John Buie, livery stable hand from Canada
William Smith, saloon keeper from Ireland
David Weaver, laborer from Canada
George Combs, boarding house owner from Canada
George Tiffany, restaurant owner from Ohio
Benjamin M. Ensign, conductor from New York
James Kelley, policeman from Louisiana
William Deacon, clerk from England
George F. Winter, retail grocer from Canada
Robert W. Lowery, retail grocer from Canada
Catherine Grish, cook from New York
Sarah Waldo, waiter from Canada
John Crawford, baker from Scotland
George B. Gilchrist, pattern maker from Scotland
Phillip Lemasurier, carpenter from England
Swen Bjornson, laborer from Iceland
Olof Olson, laborer from Iceland
John Johnson, laborer from Iceland
Fred Paschinsky, tin smith from Poland
James W. Major, miller from Canada
Elizabeth Major (wife), boarding house from Indiana
[At the time of the census, there were over 20 boarders of various stripes living in their boarding house...]
William Mason, blacksmith from Canada
William W. Nicoles, lumber merchant from New York
George Parker, boarding house owner from Canada
William L. Robertson, hotel keeper from Scotland
Louis E. Booker, merchant from Illinois
John H. Rich, banker from Wisconsin
John W. Shepard, agent for townsite from ConnecticutDavid Saummatt, teamster from Manitoba
Robert McClary, farmer from Canada
H. D. Savage, engineer from Maine
John Marshall, laborer from Ireland
John A. Vanstrum, assistant postmaster from Sweden
Alexander Campbell, surgeon from Scotland
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